Emergency Preparedness

In the event of an emergency at the Lake Lynn Dam, Lake Lynn Generation, LLC would enact the Emergency Action Plan (EAP). The EAP is a document put together and reviewed annually by hydro plant personnel and the local and county emergency management agencies (EMAs). The EAP is a living document that comprises the actions that would be taken by hydro plant staff and the local and county EMAs during an emergency onsite and includes activation triggers, notifications that would be made, the emergency tools and equipment that would be used if needed and the expected impacts that would likely occur downstream. As designated in the EAP, if the dam were to fail or had the potential to fail, hydro plant personnel would activate the mass notification system CodeRED (more information about CodeRED can be found using this link https://www.onsolve.com/platform-products/critical-communications/codered-public-alerting/).

The Lake Lynn Dam’s CodeRED system is set up to notify all of the downstream EMAs whose population could be affected by flood waters resulting from a Lake Lynn Dam emergency. As per the EAP, the downstream EMAs are then responsible for notifying the population at risk within their jurisdiction. How the EMAs notify the public is determined by the EMA and is carried out using a variety of methods. To learn more about how you might be notified of a Lake Lynn Dam emergency, please see the information below.

Fayette County

Fayette County would be using their own CodeRED system to alert potentially impacted residents about an emergency at the Lake Lynn Dam. For more information about Fayette County Emergency Management Agency & 911 please go to: https://www.fayettecountypa.org/238/Emergency-Management-Agency-911

To sign up directly for alerts from Fayette County’s CodeRED system please go to: https://public.coderedweb.com/CNE/en-US/BFAAFD060707

Greene County

Greene County would be notifying potentially impacted residents on an individual basis. For more information about Greene County Emergency Management please visit: https://www.co.greene.pa.us/Department-Emergency-Management-Agency

For more information about Greene County 911 visit: https://www.co.greene.pa.us/Department-911-Center

Washington County

Washington County would be notifying potentially impacted residents through the Emergency Alert System (EAS), social media and/or by the local news media outlets. For more information about Washington County Public Safety please visit: https://www.washingtoncopa.gov/public-safety

Westmoreland County

Westmoreland County would be using their own CodeRED system to alert potentially impacted residents about an emergency at the Lake Lynn Dam. For more information about Westmoreland County Public Safety please go to: https://www.co.westmoreland.pa.us/808/911Public-Safety

To sign up directly for alerts from Westmoreland County’s CodeRED system please go to: https://public.coderedweb.com/CNE/en-US/BF19575C3477

Allegheny County

Allegheny County would be notifying potentially impacted residents by phone, social media, local TV and by the Allegheny Alerts system. For more information about Allegheny County Emergency Services please go to: https://www.alleghenycounty.us/Government/Police-and-Emergency-Services/Emergency-Services

To sign up for Allegheny Alerts please visit: Allegheny County Citizen Notifications – Sign Up (everbridge.net)