Lake Level Notice Updated (9/16/2024): Lake Lynn Generation anticipates the elevation of Cheat Lake to fall at a rate of approximately two inches per day while severe drought conditions and low inflows to the lake persist. Additional information is available on the Recreation page.


Located in northeastern Monongalia County, W.Va., Cheat Lake was formed in 1925 by damming the Cheat River to serve the needs of a hydroelectric generating facility, the 52-megawatt Lake Lynn Power Station, now owned and operated by Lake Lynn Generation, LLC.


On June 7, 2000, Allegheny Energy dedicated a new recreation spot in Monongalia County, W.Va., as a symbol of its commitment to the environment and the community. Located by Lake Lynn Power Station and the picturesque Cheat Lake. It is a first-class facility.


Lifeguards are not on duty. For the safety of all those who use the Cheat Lake facility, a 1,000-foot exclusion zone is marked by warning buoys upstream of the Lake Lynn dam. Four red warning lights provide warnings to boaters on the lake that they are nearing the dam.